No matter how well you brush and floss your teeth, if you’re eating the wrong foods, you’re feeding the bacteria that cause tooth decay. A buildup of this bacteria can lead to inflammation, gum breakdown, and even bone issues if left untreated. Luckily, it’s very easy to keep these bacteria in check by eating the right food for your teeth. Let’s take a look at what foods you should avoid and what the best foods are for optimal tooth health. 

Junk Food and Dental Health

You probably already know that sugar is extremely bad for your teeth. But why is sugar so bad?

The issue isn’t the sugar itself, but the bacteria in your mouth that thrive on it. When you eat sugar, these bacteria ingest it and begin to produce an acid that is harmful to your teeth. 

But don’t let this terrify you. The bacteria in our mouths are natural and our bodies are extremely efficient at keeping them in check as long as we don’t over-consume sugar. When we produce saliva, the minerals in it help protect our teeth and replace some of the lost minerals of the enamel (which is aided by minerals found in toothpaste). 

However, when we eat too much sugar, these bacteria can build up and the acid produced is what causes our teeth to decay. 

The Good Foods

The best foods we can eat are lots of fibre-rich vegetables and fruit in moderation. The high fibre content helps to keep the teeth clean and get the saliva flowing for added protection. 

As well as eating a lot of leafy green veggies and whole fruits, there are some other top contenders that will help protect your teeth.


Cheese, milk, and plain yoghurt all trigger high saliva production, while the calcium in dairy food help strengthen teeth and restore the lost minerals. 

Green Tea

Although tea has a bad reputation of causing staining on the teeth, it is a good option in moderation. Green and black tea both contain polyphenols which help prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth. 

Sugar-free gum

Chewing gum is an excellent way to stimulate the production of saliva which, as we know, is the main defence against bacteria. However, it needs to be sugar-free to avoid feeding those unwanted bacteria. 

Why seeing your dentist is so important

Eating the correct food and avoiding sugar are both very important for protecting the health of your teeth and gums. However, it’s still crucial to have regular check-ups with your dentist. 

Dentists are able to spot potential issues before they become serious. They will tell you if there is plaque buildup in your mouth that needs to be removed, or if there are any gum issues that need to be addressed. Spotting these issues at home is difficult and when left untreated, they can become serious issues. 

As well as eating the best foods for your teeth, make sure a regular dentist appointment is also part of your teeth care routine.