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Can You Get Dental Implants with Gum Disease?

Dental implants can replace missing teeth, but can you get them if you have gum disease? It depends on the severity and condition of your gums. In many cases, yes!

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth. It can range from mild to severe. If you have gum disease, your dentist will evaluate your gums before implant surgery.

Mild or early-stage gum disease may require non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning procedure removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line and smoothes tooth roots to help reattach healthy gums.

More advanced cases of gum disease wbonessignificant bone loss or infection may need surgical treatments. Pocket reduction folds back gums to remove bacteria and tartar from deep pockets. Bone grafting adds synthetic or natural bone material to replace lost bone tissue. These help restore a healthier environment for implants.

Treating gum disease before getting implants increases success rate and helps maintain long-term oral health. Addressing infection or inflammation reduces the risk of complications, and ensures a stable foundation for new teeth.

dental implant animation

Can I Get Dental Implants with Gum Disease?

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, but what about if you have gum disease? The answer is not a simple yes or no. While gum disease can present challenges, in some cases, dental implants may still be possible.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection that affects the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. It can cause gum recession, bone loss, and even tooth loss if left untreated. When considering dental implants, it’s essential to have healthy gums and enough bone structure to support the implant.

If you have gum disease, your dentist will evaluate its severity before determining if you’re a candidate for dental implants. They will assess factors such as the extent of gum recession, bone loss, and the overall health of your mouth. In some cases, your dentist may recommend treating the gum disease first to ensure the best long-term success of the implant.

In addition to your gum disease evaluation, your dentist may also consider other factors such as your overall health, smoking habits, and oral hygiene. These factors can influence the success of dental implants and should be discussed with your dentist during the evaluation process.

Pro Tip: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial for preventing gum disease and maximising the success of dental implants. Regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings can help keep your gums healthy and increase the chances of a successful implant procedure.

Explaining Gum Disease

Gum disease, aka periodontal disease, is a common condition that affects the gums and bones around the teeth. Bacteria in plaque cause it, which leads to gum inflammation and infection. If ignored, it can progress and cause tooth loss.

Gingivitis is the initial stage. Gums become red, and inflamed, and may bleed when brushing or flossing. Without treatment, it can move to periodontitis, where the infection spreads under the gum line and damages the supporting bone.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, but what if you have gum disease? Let’s explore this innovative dental procedure.

Start with an overview:


Dental Implants


Titanium posts surgically placed in the jawbone to support artificial teeth.


Multiple stages: implant placement, healing period, and attachment of prosthetic teeth.

Success Rate

Over 95%


Generally suitable for people with healthy gums and adequate jawbone density.

Can you get dental implants if you have gum disease? It depends on severity and progression. Mild-moderate cases may be possible with proper treatment and management of gum disease. Severe gum disease with bone loss might require other treatments, like bone graftingand  or gum tissue regeneration, to restore a healthier environment before implant placement.

To improve your chances of successful implant placement:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Attend regular check-ups.
  • Consult with an experienced dental professional.

Tailor the treatment to your specific needs. Remember, each case is unique.

Consulting a Dental Professional

If you’re wondering whether you can get dental implants if you have gum disease, it’s crucial to consult a dental professional. They will assess your condition and determine if implants are suitable for you. Schedule an appointment with a dentist who specialises in implantology.

During your consultation, the dental professional will carefully evaluate the severity of your gum disease. They will also consider other factors, such as bone density, oral hygiene, and overall oral health. This assessment is important to ensure a successful implant procedure and long-term oral health. It’s worth noting that gum disease can affect the success of dental implants. In severe cases, the infection can compromise the stability of the implants and lead to complications

However, with effective treatment and management of gum disease, it may be possible to proceed with implants. To increase the chances of a successful implant treatment, it’s crucial to follow the dental professional’s recommendations for treating and managing gum disease. This may involve deep cleaning to remove tartar and bacteria, as well as adopting a thorough oral hygiene routine. 

Don’t let the fear of missing out on dental implants stop you from seeking professional advice. Consulting a dental professional is the first step towards a healthier and more confident smile. Book an appointment today to discuss your options and find out if dental implants are right for you. 

Your oral health is too important to delay. 

Evaluating the Severity of Gum Disease

Accurately assessing gum disease’s severity requires consulting a dental professional. Their knowledge and expertise ensure a thorough evaluation, whether for routine check-ups or addressing concerns. Professionals use methods and tools to get accurate information. For instance, using a periodontal probe to measure pocket depths. X-rays assess tooth mobility, bleeding gums, and bone loss. Additional tests may be offered, like plaque levels, inflammation signs, and bacterial samples from gum tissues.

A patient once visited their dental professional about persistent gum inflammation. Advanced periodontitis was found due to years of neglecting oral hygiene. Treatment was initiated, with deep cleaning and regular check-ups. Adhering to the oral care routine, their gums improved over time.

Seeking dental professional expertise and undergoing examinations provide valuable insights into oral health and suitable treatments for long-term wellbeing.

Treatment Options for Gum Disease

Are you suffering from gum disease? Consulting a dental professional is the best way to effectively treat it. Here are five treatments for gum disease:

  • Scaling and root planing: Cleaning the teeth and smoothening the roots to stop buildup.
  • Antibiotics: To control bacterial infection and reduce inflammation.
  • Periodontal surgery: Removing diseased tissue and regrowing gum and bone tissue.
  • Dental implants: Replacing lost teeth and supporting gums.
  • Ongoing maintenance: Regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and good oral hygiene.

Laser therapy is another possible treatment option. This technique uses laser energy to remove infected tissue and heal.

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery involves several important steps to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Oral Examination: Your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth to assess the condition of your teeth, gums, and bones. This evaluation will help determine if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants.
  • X-rays and Imaging: To get a comprehensive view of your oral structures, X-rays and imaging techniques, such as CT scans, may be conducted. These images enable dentists to determine the optimal placement for the implants.
  • Medical History Assessment: Providing your complete medical history is crucial as certain conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, may affect the success of the surgery. Be transparent about any medications or supplements you are taking.
  • Pre-Surgery Instructions: Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions to ensure you are well-prepared for the surgery. This may include fasting, adjusting medications, and arranging for transportation to and from the clinic.

Additionally, it is important to note that each patient’s case is unique. Factors such as the severity of gum disease and individual oral health may influence the preparation process. Consequently, it is imperative to consult with your dentist to get tailored advice based on your particular circumstances.

Pro Tip: Try to quit smoking at least a month before the surgery as smoking can significantly hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

Managing Gum Disease Before Surgery

To guarantee success with dental implants, one must manage their gum disease first. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, deep cleaning, using mouth rinses or antibiotics, and quitting smoking. In addition, regular visits to the dentist are necessary to monitor progress and make adjustments.

It’s important to invest in your oral health! With proper care, patients can ensure successful dental implant surgery and enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile.

Developing a Treatment Plan

Crafting an efficient strategy is vital for dental implant surgery. To guarantee a successful therapy, take these steps:

  1. Examine: The dentist will check out your mouth thoroughly, including X-rays and scans, to assess your jawbone’s condition and spot underlying problems.
  2. Consultation: Your dental history, worries, and expectations will be talked about. The dentist will explain the implant process, options, and associated risks. This helps to create a unique treatment plan.
  3. Treatment Options: Based on the consultation, the dentist will recommend suitable treatment choices tailored to you. This can involve single or multiple implants, bone grafting if needed, and anaesthesia suggestions.
  4. Preparing for Surgery: After the treatment plan has been finalised, more prep work will be done before the actual surgery date. This could include arranging appointments for preoperative instructions, such as fasting requirements or medication alterations.
  5. Evaluation Continuously: Throughout the process, regular evaluations will be done to monitor your progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan if needed.

Apart from the steps above, it is essential to stay in touch with your dental team and adhere to their post-operative instructions rigorously.

The Dental Implant Procedure

The Dental Implant Procedure involves the placement of dental implants to replace missing teeth. These implants are made of titanium and are inserted into the jawbone to provide a strong foundation for artificial teeth.

Once the implants are placed, the jawbone needs time to heal and integrate with the implants. This process, called osseointegration, typically takes a few months. After this healing period, abutments are placed on top of the implants to connect them with the artificial teeth.

The next step is to take impressions of the patient’s mouth to create custom-made artificial teeth that will fit perfectly onto the implants. These artificial teeth are designed to match the patient’s natural teeth in colour, size, and shape.

Finally, the artificial teeth are attached to the abutments, completing the dental implant procedure. The patient can then enjoy a restored smile that looks and functions just like natural teeth.

It is important to note that not everyone is suitable for dental implants. The success of the procedure depends on the patient’s overall oral health, including the condition of the gums. If a patient has gum disease, it may affect the success of the dental implant procedure. Therefore, it is crucial to address any existing gum disease before undergoing the implant procedure.

Assessing the Suitability of Dental Implants

Dentists assess various factors to determine if dental implants are suitable for a patient. They look at oral health, bone density, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Smoking, grinding teeth, and poor hygiene can increase the risk of complications. Suggestions can be made to improve the chances of successful implant integration. For instance, good oral hygiene and quitting smoking can help. Orthodontic treatments and wearing mouthguards can also protect natural teeth and potential implants.

A personalised assessment ensures that implants are only recommended to those who have a higher chance of successful outcomes. This is key for long-term success and satisfaction with the procedure.

Addressing Gum Disease During the Surgery

Gum disease is a common dental issue. To ensure success during implant surgery, there are several steps that must be taken. These include:

  • Gum evaluation – the dentist looks at the gums to check for signs of disease.
  • Scaling and root planing – the teeth and roots are cleaned to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria.
  • Bone grafting – if bone loss has occurred, a graft may be used to restore support for the implant.
  • Gum reshaping – reshape the tissue to improve oral hygiene.
  • Antibacterial treatments – to eliminate any remaining bacteria in the gums.
  • Post-operative care – keep gums healthy with brushing, flossing, and cleanings.

Addressing gum disease during implants helps with overall oral health.

Post-Operative Care and Maintenance

After your dental implant surgery, it is crucial to take proper care of your mouth to ensure successful healing and long-term maintenance of your dental implants. 

Here are three essential points to keep in mind:

  1. Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for the health of your dental implants. Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste. Don’t forget to clean around the implant area using an interdental brush or floss. Additionally, use an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce the risk of infection.


  1. Regular Dental Visits: Schedule regular follow-up visits with your dentist to assess the progress of your implant healing. These visits allow your dentist to monitor your oral health, remove plaque buildup, and ensure the stability of your dental implants. It is recommended to visit your dentist every three to six months for routine check-ups and professional cleanings.


  1. Healthy Lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly contribute to the success and longevity of your dental implants. Avoid smoking, which can impair the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Additionally, limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages, as they can promote bacteria growth and lead to gum disease.

It’s important to note that each patient’s situation is unique. Therefore, it’s crucial to follow your dentist’s personalised instructions for post-operative care and maintenance to maximise the success of your dental implants.

A fact on dental implants: Research conducted by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry has shown that dental implants have a success rate of over 95%, making them a highly reliable option for tooth replacement.

Source: American Academy of Implant Dentistry

Ensuring Proper Oral Hygiene

Ensure you follow your dentist’s advice for proper oral hygiene. The result? Minimal discomfort and excellent oral health afterwards! Proper oral hygiene is for successful post-operative care.

 Here are some steps to follow:

  • Brush teeth gently, twice a day, with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Rinse mouth with antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • Avoid rough rinsing and spitting near any surgical areas.
  • Use saltwater or prescribed oral rinse for extra cleaning.
  • Go for regular check-ups and professional cleanings.

Plus, maintain good overall health with a balanced diet, no tobacco, and limit alcohol. Also, take prescribed medications as directed and attend all follow-up appointments. This will help in the healing process and reduce risks of complications.

Managing Gum Disease After Dental Implant Placement

Gum disease management after dental implant placement is important for successful, long-term results. By having a full maintenance plan, patients can reduce complications and keep optimal oral health.

  1. Step 1: Oral Hygiene – Good oral hygiene is essential for managing gum disease after implants. Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste. Floss or use interdental brushes daily to remove plaque and debris around the implants.
  2. Step 2: Dental Cleanings – Visit the dentist for regular cleanings to avoid plaque and tartar build-up. These cleanings remove bacteria and deposits near the implants, lessening the risk of gingivitis or peri-implantitis.
  3. Step 3: Monitoring and Maintenance – Schedule regular check-ups with the dentist after implant placement. The dentist will assess the gums and implants for inflammation and infection. X-rays may be taken to detect any bone loss around the implants.

These preventive measures can reduce the risk of gum disease and contribute to successful dental implants. Maintaining natural teeth and following the dentist’s instructions can help keep healthy gums and long-term implant success.


When considering dental implants with gum disease, consulting a professional dentist is essential. They will decide if the implant procedure is safe and suitable for you.

Dental implants need a good foundation, such as healthy gums and strong bones. Gum disease may cause issues during implantation, including inflammation, infection, and bad healing.

But, some people with gum disease can still get implants. It depends on the severity of their condition and how it is treated before the procedure. Strict oral hygiene and treatments like deep cleaning or gum surgery should be done before the implants.